————————-TOWN FEES & FORMS

Public Records Fees

Dog Warden

Dog License Application

NOTE:  Town Hall Rental Forms (4 pages) can be found on Town Hall Rental Page.  Capacity of Hall is 100.


(Section of Morgan is located within Sanitary District where fees are in effect.  Meetings are generally held 1st Mon./mo. at 6:30p.m.)

Contact for all Issues/Concerns:  President, Patrick Derpinghaus — 920-899-8027

Secretary, Ron Smurawa — 920-655-4631;  Treasurer, Romauld “Bud” Brzezinski — 920-899-3607

Krakow Sanitary District:  P.O. Box 171, Krakow, WI 54137 Email: Krakowsanitary@yahoo.com

KSD Contact Information


Special assessments are a $10.00 fee. Must be paid up front. To expedite the request please mail the request and payment to:

Town of Morgan  Attention: Town Clerk
3276 County Rd C
Oconto Falls, WI  54154


Aerial photo of new town hall and Hwy. C under construction, as well as only major intersection in Morgan — Highways C and E.

(There is a $10.00 fee for this request.)

Checks should be made out to:
Town of Morgan


Available at Recycle Center every Saturday morning from site attendants, or can be obtained from DNR website with certain specifications.

Aerial photo of new town hall construction.  Both aerials by Supervisor Leonard Wahl.